An Unfolding Journey: Part 12

Lions Gate
6 min readJul 10, 2021

Friday, August 25, 2017 2:18 p.m.

Angels do you have anything left to say today dear ones????

You have done well today child. Pleased you are tuning in more and more. You did the things you needed to do to better care for yourself and your physical vessel. The book is coming into focus. No fretting if it not 100% done Monday. You are giving it the time and attention it needs. We will guide the editor on the next part of the journey. You have all of the pieces. It is a matter of pulling it all together now.

Especially glad you heard the message about fun. You all take things waaaaaaay too serious LOL Lighten up and smile more. Simple for us to say, huh?

Deeply proud of you for your act of devotion. Feel the gratitude down to your core. Your love for others has radiated for many years now. People you have touched are going to come out of the woodwork. Many will be reminded of how you touched them and want more. None of your efforts or energy will be wasted dear one.

We will help connect you and your partner this evening. He is simply spinning and does not fully understand why. It will all be ok. Allow nourishment between your heart spaces. You are tired today — not just because of the juice fast but because of the energy you are pouring out. It is ok to rest this evening. The flow is coming fast and furious now. Don’t lose focus based on all that needs to be done next week. 3 more solid days of living with the sisterhood and it will all come to light.

Stay in the zone beloved. Let God’s love pour into your soul. Drink in His complete devotion to you, his child. We know you are missing home. Remember it is closer than you think . . .

Saturday, August 26, 2017 6:05 p.m.

You are working hard today — thank you. The ideas are coming/downloading fast and furious. You are on the right track and someday you will be very proud of your work. It will reap many rewards. It will be like lifting the wool off the eyes of many. Yes there will be pushback but you are strong enough to manage it now. In fact, it might be amusing — like a sitcom. The editor will bring much clarity to this book process for you so rest in that knowing. She was the right fit for you and is a good balance for you. We will help you finish the details.

The book has the proper energy of love, devotion and truth. You have the right team in place to manage what will unfold. Many will be thankful. Drink in the peace and abundance sweet one for it has been hard earned. Monday’s gift of the car will be fun. Enjoy the radiance and pure fun. The energy is good for you. Stay the course with your healthy eating so you can continue to tune in properly. We believe you might finally be free of that cycle. Wouldn’t that be nice? For you and for us. LOL Your entire support team is all around dear one. Keep going . . . you are almost to the finish line.

Sunday, August 27, 2017 2:52 p.m.

The more I dissect the mother-in-law issue I can feel how bothered I am by “mother energy”. What is that about? I think the angels are speaking . . .

The mother energy bothers you because it is a reminder of the nourishment you did not receive from the soul who was your mother in this lifetime. It is a reminder of a sad part of your life. This is to remind you of how difficult it will be for some to understand the “mother” issue. It might be helpful to reframe the mothering message — glad you heard us well. You have firsthand knowledge with the hurtful experience of a mother whose love is not freely given. This is a wound for many. Your words will assist in healing but it is a fine balance to walk.

Yes, we are doing all we can fast and furious to help you connect all of dots. You are a devoted servant dear one. Gratitude is all around you. Wrapping you in love as you continue your work . . .

Monday, September 4, 2017 12:09 p.m. Labor Day

Little one you are doing well. Proud of the progress you have made. You are finally releasing so many things that you no longer need. Love in your fullness, give in your fullness, be in your fullness and everything else will fall into place. Your focus for the book is now on the right place so thank you for laying the ego driven things on the alter. The outcome of your service is far more important. You will be provided for as a natural effect. It is not something you have to “make” happen.

Your husband is very happy right now and you both are drinking in a wellspring of love. Feels a bit like heaven, doesn’t it? : )Keep the focus on finishing the book. Do not let your attention shift. It is of paramount importance.

Allow the love you have for your sisters to shine, shine, shine. The energy of the book will be warm and inviting. It will draw them in from start to finish. We are working with the editor on the final work. Keep doing your part to finish the pieces and it will be a masterpiece we can all be proud of.

Yet another step in our actively dismantling the matrix of control and fear. You have the right focus dear one. Yes, there are some things we want to say to your daughter. Type and give to her please -

Surprisingly they had me “download” this for my daughter. Very unusual to happen this way. She was a college student learning to navigate through life.

September 4, 2017 12:36 p.m.

Dear One, we are so proud you are going to lead a bible study. This journey will deepen your faith and relationship with God. Do not give into the thoughts of “I don’t know the bible”. This is fear talking and not who you really are. Deep down you Know with a capital “K”. Stay grounded and focus on the shift the Divine can bring to the girls.

This bible study is a source of nourishment to help them weather the craziness of college. Before each session, set your intention with love. Love them with your heart but make it a big “H”. This process is a way to draw you into your heart space dear one, the one you try to keep walled off. Ask each time what should the message be this week and it will come to you. Do not allow yourself to get tripped up on expectations, ego (I must do this well), or anything trapped in fear.

You are providing a loving, safe space for these women — these treasures of God including you — to plug into their source. Keep them focused on the beauty within. Everything else is the illusion. All the judgement, disrespect, and wrong thinking. Your mom’s book will assist with the dismantling of those thought processes. The two of you are quite a powerhouse of love. Your lives intertwined will bring good to many.

Stay grounded. Connect to us dear one — we are here all of the time. You are not alone. You are never alone. Pass along that message. Anytime you feel unsure because you do not think you know, breathe. Tell them to breathe. Everything is aligning with your yoga practice and this “bible” study is but another way to express what you already know to be true on the mat. Nothing less, nothing more.

You Know your place there. This study is no different. Don’t allow trappings of the “expected” to unnerve you. It does not serve you and it will not serve them. Stay in your Truth. Speak your Truth. Call in your angels (especially Archangel Uriel) whenever you are unsure how to respond. Remember you do not have to have all of the answers. The Bible study is a collective place where all share responsibility for the outcome. You are but one part of the collective whole. Use the light. Wrap you in a light of protection and wrap them in a light of love. Tune into the energy of it all and you will know which way to go when needed.

We will be there by your side every step of the way. Have faith dear one. For it is destined. God bless sweet child.



Lions Gate

A divine soul having a human experience. This blog reveals angelic channelings I received since 2016 when I did not understand what was happening. #Wisdom