Miracles Are On the Way — Part 16

Lions Gate
5 min readDec 1, 2021

Monday, April 24, 2017 8:53 am

Little one you are making things hard on yourself. It is not as bad as it seems. Go exercise and get your blood flowing. Miracles are on the way to you. Trust in the divine and in your divinity. This life will be but the blink of an eye when it is all said and done. You have learned so much.

Detach from the drama as you would say. Eating or throwing up will not solve the hurt you feel or the hole you have. Only God can do that. It does not have to be this hard dear one. The afternoon session was not what you needed but she tried to give you what she could. Glad you had compassion. You are a good soul even if you don’t feel it. Losing your life now would be such a waste after you have come so far.

Monday, May 15, 2017 8:03 am

Breathe little one. It is all good. Everything is moving along as it should. Patience is key for this part. Go the distance. You will see amazing things unfold as you move forward. Let everyone else take care of themselves right now. You have important work to do. Nourish yourself so you may nourish the world with your words. Don’t push.

Flow is the essence you seek. It will be the gust of energy to propel you forward. In order to flow, you must allow space. You know this coffee cup girl ;)

Let us breathe life into your soul. You cannot give from a depleted heart. The world needs your teachings. We are working in concert to free you up to do just that. Have patience and divine timing will come. Let everything else go right now and focus on the book. We are proud of the progress you are making. We have worked hard with you to find the arrival of this time in your life. It will all unfold as it needs to little one. Do not force or stress for it will block the flow. Remember to breathe, relax and allow love to flow through you and to you.

Your work is divinely inspired. It will be meaningful because it has no other choice. This is destiny. One cannot stand in the way of destiny. So many things are lining up just as they should. Know you have entire divine team paving the way. You are not alone! Even when you have to “release” your team, know you are still not alone.

Focus on putting one foot in front of the other. It will all unfold in the most beautiful of ways. Liberating. Confirming. A testament of the journey you have successfully navigated. All of your effort, tears and fortitude will be worth it dear one. Just wait and see. Trust us. God has you in the palm of his hand. Get to work little one and worry no more. Much love — Namaste.

Friday, May 19, 2017 10:47 a.m. Pittsburgh, PA

Let’s see if I can tune into my angels in a busy airport . . .

Release your concerns little one and let it flow. It is all in your head. Carve out time to pour it on paper. This is important work. Do not be distracted. We are watching every step bringing all that you need. Opportunities will unfold once it is FINISHED.

So much is contingent upon the release of this book.

You have pushed it until the end deadline. You can do this. Think of it like delivering a gift of love. Free yourself up so the words come forth from a place of love and devotion. It will open many eyes. There is time for all of the rest. Set it to the side for now. Don’t let others shift your focus. They mean well but do not understand.

We have this work in the palm of our hand. It is divinely appointed. There is no stopping it. It will be born as it is designed to be. Keep moving forward one step at a time . . .

Friday, May 26, 2017 10:53 a.m. PST/1:53 pm EST San Francisco

This nourishment was much needed dear one. Good for you. You are learning much these days. Stay the course and keep it in perspective. Don’t overthink everything — as you tell others. Enjoy this beautiful time with your gift from God (your daughter). Drink in the joy and let it fill you up. She is learning much from you and will bring light to the world. Her future is bright. She will heal so rest assured there. Keep doing what you are doing. Know you are dearly loved even though the mother issue was not quite as expected.

You each did what needed to be done even though it does not make sense right now. Do not let the revelation we shared drain you. You were right to seek the mandalas for the book and for you. It will bring much needed energy and power to your efforts. The wisdom is much needed. You articulate in a way that brings much clarity.

Have faith in your work little one.

Know you are divinely supported and we are working on your behalf to bring it to the masses. Trust the process : ) Yes, we cannot help but chuckle when we can use your own phrases as a reminder. We must all keep our sense of humor about things, don’t we???

Rest in knowing it will all come together. Release the pressure and write from a joyful place. The deadline is in place to make you do what needs to be done. Once it is completed you can make a decision about the deadline. If we release any pressure now, you know what will happen. Life will get in the way. This work is too important to your life path and to what is needed for humanity right now.

You are a healer little one. Someday you will remember. Stay true to what you know for it is divinely guided. Nothing on your journey will be wasted. It will all be used for the glory of God. Keep being the light and bringing the light to your sisters. They will drink it in and it will fuel their steps. Blessed are those that follow the divine.

Drink from the elixir of life for it is full, abundant and joyful. Dance with the changes dear one and know that all is well. Now, go write . . .



Lions Gate

A divine soul having a human experience. This blog reveals angelic channelings I received since 2016 when I did not understand what was happening. #Wisdom