Thoughts are Codes — Part 18

Lions Gate
7 min readDec 1, 2021

For those just joining the journey, these are the channelings I downloaded starting in 2016. I did not understand what was happening as this was all new to me. I was not taught about channelings. Though I had a faith, it was removed away from my every day life. I share these journal entries because looking back, it was powerful insight into how the divine is intimately involved in our lives. As you read, ask your divine team to bring home what resonates with you.

You are here reading this right now so there must be a reason :) Anything in italics is their words to me which I received telepathically.

Tuesday, June 6, 2017 10:30 pm

We said we had your back :) You are loved child and you are doing all you can. All that is asked of you and we are grateful. We are very proud of you. Smiling down with love now. You are releasing what needs to be released, focusing on the right things and encouraging others to do the same. Your light is shining and you are spreading love.

That is the success that counts. As for resources, it will all come together but you can help by making smarter choices. Write more of the book tomorrow. Keep moving forward through small steps, just like you told your client today. Glad you liked the books — the gift — we sent you. Your daughter will be fine. She spoke her truth and it will serve her well. She is a wise one. Keep looking at the bigger picture.

All you have worked through has served and will serve humanity. For it is spoken. Your destiny was designed a long time ago. We know you have a question about the “angel seed”. It is not time yet for it to bloom but we are willing to provide insight. Think of it like a dream inside your heart waiting to burst forth like a flower. It is beauty others can drink in for their goodness. You have great powers little one. You played a big role in how the evening manifested. You with God created the miracle you witnessed. As hard as it might be to believe, it is truth. The great mystery is the power of correlation, like yin and yang. Each beautiful in its own right but when combined, magnificence unfolds.

Remember this night so you can recreate it over and over again. Send your energy out and it will always come back to you. So simple but so many are blinded to it. Many will become more open once they read the book. Speaking of the book, you are on the fast track now energetically so it will unfold rapidly, even on your trip. The divine energies in those places will serve you and the book.

Be in relationship with the sisters (in the book). Breathe life into them like Adam and Eve. It is possible. It always was a narrative beautifully designed. Breathe life into them. What are their hopes, their fears, their motivation. How did the shift serve them. Collectively how can those shifts serve humanity by freeing the chains (mindsets) that bind women. Release and unleash. Let the sisters go forth and multiply, yes like the story of creation. (my thought — WOW! )

You are getting it now. The letters are the codes. You have been drawn to the bible code and there is an element of because time is an illusion. The events listed have happened, are happening, will happen. It is one and the same. Using the bible code as a predictive tool was the wrong emphasis. They missed the point but it served its place. Look what it did for you.

You are inching closer to the truth. Keep connecting the dots. Letters are like codes — locks to energy released — yes, like di Vinci item LOL All of technology is based on code. You are receiving the messages correctly about the DNA within the model. Your thoughts ARE the codes which unlock your creation. You will speak on this someday.

First help break the chains of bondage with women. Then you will reach intellectuals. Your gift for teaching will be utilized as you move forward. Don’t get too hung up on theory though. Stay tuned to the imprint of energy. You will have a chance to experiment, maybe even with the flower — see the movie, The Matrix again. Learn about algorithms and sacred geometry.

We will expand your mind to absorb the higher realm of intellect. Remember you are aspect of the divine so it is inherent. Break thru the limitations you have around your intellect. Purposely seek to absorb. It will come in amazing ways. You are one of many who are unlocking secrets which have been buried for too long. The power must shift to elevate all.

You were right to reach out for the mandelas and sacred geometry for the sisters. We are divinely guiding her. We bring these things to your path and you pick up the pieces. That makes it easier for both of us. Yes, this is James (did I hear this right not sure who James is?) Seek and you shall find all you are looking for. The magnificence will blow your mind.

Keep doing what you are doing. Give it all you’ve got tomorrow. There is someone in much need. Teach and inspire from your heart space. Yes, you have finally adjusted to the right attitude about those you had to leave behind (old colleagues). They will learn, even if it is the hard way. Your love for God is impacting your husband too. He feels your conviction and sincerity. He and his heart is responding even if he doesn’t acknowledge it consciously. The mother-in-law is something else isn’t she? Stubborn LOL She will learn but it will take her more time, in another lifetime. We won’t have her live until 115. LOL

Acknowledge your progress. Celebrate your wins. Victory is in the palm of your hands. Be clear, be free, and allow yourself to rest. Word I am Word. Amen.

Saturday, June 10, 2017 9:42 am

The time away will be good Get rested and nurtured. You cannot give to the world what you yourself don’t have filled up. You are depleted and in much need of nourishment of the soul. So many taking from but not giving to. You are partly responsible for allowing but you are learning. Meeting the expectations of others is a life challenge for you. Resting in your knowing and who you are is enough. You don’t have to “do” to be loved.

You are making progress on the book and gaining insight into the direction you should go. Don’t be so hard on yourself. You think about this book — this offering of love — almost every minute of the day. It will be a masterpiece. Others will draw from it and it will be the catalyst for much healing.

The slowness in your work is just a season and was designed to allow time for the book. Use it wisely. All of your choices and sacrifices will be worthwhile. So glad you are consuming the books we recommended. We thought it might provide clarity and inspiration. As for your question about the mother-in-law. . .it is an unbalanced relationship right now. It was not always that way. There was much to gain on both sides before it tipped too far the other way. What you are seeing is the unfairness that happens when fear is in the driver’s seat. It blinds people to real “love” and makes their attention focused on self. There is a lesson for both. She should not let fear rule and he should not be allowing it. He has difficulty drawing boundaries.

You would know about that. The time away will be good for him and for you both. Reignite what you once had. Stay focused on each other as it will be a special time. Drink in the gift of love you are to each other. Rest easy in your knowing and peace with each other. It won’t be interrupted by others. Time is precious. It will be a gift.

As for your seeing the healer, it will offer you a few nuggets but you don’t have to do that as much as you have in the past. You have a clearer channel now and can tune in for yourself. Trust your Knowing. The path before you is decidedly upward.

You are a lightworker.

You will show many how they are blinded to their thinking. All of your learning and work to date has brought you to this point where you are well equipped to serve the world in sharing the message from Paul Selig’s books.

Powerful times require powerful people.

And you my dear fit the bill. Rest, nourish, and get ready for there is much ahead. Exciting times indeed. Now go enjoy fresh air and don’t worry about the book today. Tomorrow is a new day. The words and knowledge are all in your head. It is just a matter of getting it down on paper — semantics at this point. You have already thought it into being . . .



Lions Gate

A divine soul having a human experience. This blog reveals angelic channelings I received since 2016 when I did not understand what was happening. #Wisdom